

On sustainability, we are ambitious and performance driven with a balanced roadmap focusing on care for people, planet and profit. Safety is our first priority. We want to facilitate the introduction of the sustainable vital products of the future while reducing our own environmental footprint.

Today, the vital products we store are chemicals, oil, gases, biofuels and edible oils. For the future, we are developing new infrastructure solutions to actively contribute to the introduction of new vital products, such as low- and zero-carbon new energies and sustainable feedstocks. While the products in our tanks are crucial to people’s daily lives and the economy, they can endanger their health and the environment if stored or handled inappropriately. This comes with a huge responsibility; our role is to ensure safe, clean and efficient storage. Our commitment to care extends to all our stakeholders, including our own people, our customers and the communities in which we operate.

Our moral compass


We have five core values that we live by every day, namely Care for Safety, Health & Environment; Integrity; Team Spirit; Commitment; Agility. These values are embedded in our policies and (performance-review) frameworks, including our Code of Conduct. They act as a guide to decision-making, and serve as the company’s moral compass.

Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct sets out our expectations with regard not only to safety and the environment, but also to human rights, non-discrimination, fraud and corruption. The Code also includes provisions on anti-money laundering and compliance with international sanction laws. These are important topics for LOGISTIC PIERIAS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY as we operate worldwide, including in countries with high risk of corruption and poorer human rights. The Code is applicable to all LOGISTIC PIERIAS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY employees and contractors – we provide regular training in the Code to ensure high standards.

Sustainability policy

Vital Products Of The Future.

Sustainability is about meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. To live up to our purpose, we act to help future generations meet their needs and contribute to a more sustainable economy by developing infrastructure for the introduction of vital products of the future. We are mindful of the potential impact of our business activities on people’s safety, health and well-being and on the environment. Through our care for people, planet and profit, we aim to create value for all our stakeholders, including customers, investors, employees, authorities, local communities and society at large. Our choices today should therefore contribute to our long-term relevance for society and the well-being and development of current and future generations.  

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

LOGISTIC PIERIAS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and specifically embraces five SDGs, where we believe we can create the most value for stakeholders and society as a whole – by supporting the energy and feedstock transitions, in providing a safe working environment, in avoiding air, water and soil pollution in building resilient, sustainable infrastructure at ports around the world.

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL – Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL – Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact

LOGISTIC PIERIAS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY aims to contribute to the dual objective of limiting climate change, while providing access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy and feedstocks for all. We help customers reduce their environmental and carbon footprint and contribute to the energy and feedstocks transition around the world. At the same time, we are taking effective measures to reduce our own environmental and carbon footprint, including CO2.

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL – Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

In storing vital products with care, safety is our first and foremost priority. This includes ensuring a safe and secure working environment for all people working at and for LOGISTIC PIERIAS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY and caring for the communities in which we operate.

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL – Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

To realize our purpose, we develop, maintain and operate reliable, sustainable terminal infrastructure in ports around the world. We adopt and invest in environmentally sound technologies and processes. We explore the introduction of more sustainable technologies and processes and work on the digital transformation of our company.

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL – Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

We work hard to reduce any negative impact of our activities on people’s health and well-being, on the environment and on climate, in particular by reducing emissions to air, water and soil and managing waste and wastewater. Underlying these efforts is our ambition to preserve biodiversity.

We can help you fit your demand within your allotted budget.

We help you achieve continuous improvement on oil and gas storage operations to develop cost-saving strategies and efficiencies

Our sustainability roadmap

Based on our purpose of storing vital products with care, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the priorities indicated by our stakeholders, Vopak defined a balanced Sustainability Roadmap. It contains Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) targets and actions on 12 key sustainability topics that matter most to our stakeholders and where we can have the highest impact for people, planet and profit.

The roadmap provides a sustainability framework to implement the strategic transformation of our portfolio towards cleaner conventional products and low- and zero-carbon new energies & feedstocks and helps us further integrate sustainability into our global processes and investment decisions. Finally, it aims to guide our organization in translating key sustainability topics into clear actions and priorities and integrating them into our annual budget cycles, business agendas, work programs and our daily drive for performance.

Windmill Projects

Reforestation Projects